Our mission is to empower travelers to go on their next great adventure.

Spend less, travel more

Dollar Flight Club empowers you to explore the world without breaking the bank by delivering amazing flight deals and valuable travel content straight to your inbox. With our help, you can spend less on flights and travel more.

Explore more and find peace

At Dollar Flight Club, we believe travel should be both affordable and fulfilling. Our curated flight deals and member travel benefits allow you to explore more destinations with ease, helping you find peace and adventure wherever you go.

Create valuable solutions, content, and newsletters

We’re dedicated to providing our members with valuable travel solutions, insightful content, and expertly curated newsletters that make navigating the globe easier and more affordable. Dollar Flight Club is your partner in discovering the world smarter and cheaper.


A team of travelers

Dollar Flight Club is built for travelers by a passionate team of remote travel enthusiasts. We’re on a mission to build valuable membership communities, engaging newsletters, and educational online published content to help make travel simple.


Jesse Neugarten

CEO & Founder

Originally from South Africa, Jesse now calls rainy Seattle, Washington home. Over the years, he’s accrued hundreds of thousands of airline miles traveling the globe. His favorite recent destinations of choice have been Greece, Mexico, France, and Sweden. He’s addicted to airplanes, espresso, and dried mango. Last but not least, he’s deeply in love with the Boeing 747.

Jesse is the Founder here at Dollar Flight Club, overseeing daily operations.


Kyle Maltz

COO & Partner

Kyle’s an adventure loving Seattleite who’s busy skiing or traveling the world when he’s not helping DFC move mountains. His favorite trips have been to Thailand, Turks and Caicos, and Costa Rica. Kyle stays busy connecting us with some of the best brands in the world and working on new ways for DFC to be the best in the business for helping travelers explore more and pay less.

Kyle oversees daily operations and growth strategy for Dollar Flight Club, including the Flight Alerts product as well as the media publishing side of the business.


Kasandra Hadzima

Director, Dollar Flight Club

Kasandra first fell in love with travel while on an archaeological dig in Ireland. With degrees in history and archaeology, she travels to immerse herself in new cultures and learn about history. She loves exploring new destinations and currently lives in Budapest, Hungary. A few of her favorite things include distant castles, new books, and planning her next adventure.

Kasandra oversees the Dollar Flight Club Flight Alerts side of the business.


Hannah Huizenga

Director, Media Publishing

Although considered a “Southern Girl,” Hannah now lives in Stockholm, Sweden where she spends her time in different cafes searching for the perfect cappuccino. Her favorite destinations include: Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Costa Rica.

Hannah joined the Dollar Flight Club team in the summer of 2018. She helps manage the media publishing side of Dollar Flight Club, including all DFC newsletters. She also helps manage and grow partnerships as well as audience growth.


Benjamin Daschel

Lead engineer

Ben lives in the Pacific Northwest where he makes sure all the technology behind Dollar Flight Club is running smoothly. He enjoys spending his time exploring great hikes all around the cascades.


Francisco Navarro

Lead Engineer

Francisco loves long walks on beaches in Hawaii. He currently lives in Seattle, Washington and is excited about Bitcoin, Ethereum, monster trucks, and cheap flights.

He works as an advisor for Dollar Flight Club and on all things development and infrastructure.


Bryant Curtiss


Bryant lives in the US and has traveled to multiple countries. When he is not traveling he loves spending time with his daughter as well as gaming with his wife. He hopes to continue traveling for many years to come so he can experience all kinds of new cultures. He loves being a part of the DFC team and helping people realize their own travel goals.


Libby Collett

Giveaways & Sweepstakes Manager
Originally from Canada, Libby currently lives in Madrid, Spain. She has eaten her way through many European countries but her favorite food will always be Italian. If she could be anywhere in the world it would be sitting in a french vineyard drinking rosé with a beautiful cheese board and a side of macaroons. Her next adventure is summiting the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc. Wish her luck!

Melanie Grafton

Customer Support

Melanie was born in Cuba but came to the US at 12 years old when her family decided to move to Spain and later on the US. She’s been living in the sunny city of Miami for 12 years now and loves it. Her dream is to travel the world and get to know as many countries as she can. Her favorite trips so far have been to Colombia, Dominican Republic and Italy. Her dream destination is Bora Bora. She enjoys outdoor activities like running, hiking, kayaking, etc.


Partner Account Manager

Lauren Kostuke

Raised in the Midwest and educated in the South, Lauren is now based in sunny Southern California. From relaxing beach trips to exploring countries rich with history, nothing gets Lauren more excited than hopping on a plane to visit some place new. Some of her favorite trips have been to Japan, Greece, and Vietnam. As an adventure seeker and major foodie, Lauren is always asking, “Where to next?”


Emily Beene


Born and raised in the South, Emily now lives in Memphis, TN but is always looking to explore somewhere new. Some of her favorite trips have been to Ireland, Copenhagen, and she can never pass up spending time in Amsterdam. When she’s not traveling, you can most likely find Emily at her favorite local coffee shop or grabbing a glass of wine with friends and her favorite sidekick, her chocolate lab named Hank. Her next adventure is exploring Alaska!


Arijana Ramic


Although Arijana was born and raised in rainy Seattle, her family has roots in Bosnia and she studied Spanish, making her a trilingual. She loves to solo travel and often does so on a whim to go see her favorite obscure bands. Arijana’s favorite cities include Dublin, Barcelona, and Chicago, but she dreams of one day visiting Medellin and Cartagena. She loves standup comedy, reggaeton, collecting pins and postcards, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of early 2000s pop culture.


Steven Cruse


Born and raised on the West Coast of Scotland, Steven moved to the US for college and stuck around for the better part of a decade. After realizing the 9-5 was grinding his soul into oblivion, he packed his bags and buggered off around the world with his girlfriend. Three years and one pandemic into his travels, he has no intention of stopping any time soon. Some of his favorite cities are Tbilisi, Mexico City, Kuala Lumpur, and Shanghai.


Taylor Hackbart


Taylor grew up in San Diego and is an oceanography fanatic. She lived in Quintana Roo, Mexico for most of 2017 to monitor the health of the coral reefs in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve while simultaneously becoming a PADI professional diver. When she isn’t coding, you can find her in warm, tropical waters geeking over various fishes and corals. Her favorite dives thus far have been off the coast of Cuba and Cozumel, and her top three bucket list destinations are The Maldives, The Great Barrier Reef and The Galapagos. Taylor loves the outdoors and dreams to explore as much as our world has to offer!

Alexa Erickson Dollar Flight Club

Alexa Erickson

Head of Content

A writer, editor, and content curator, Alexa has spent more than a decade at the intersection of lifestyle, culture, and media. Born and raised on the coast of Maine, she now resides beachside in Southern California. Traveling the world is equally as important and fulfilling to her as exploring her home city—a balance she strives to achieve. Her favorite activities include trying out a new restaurant, checking into a luxe hotel, swimming in the ocean, and befriending any animal that will let her.

Nathan Kessi

Marketing Coordinator

This is Nathan. A recent graduate who is laying his roots in Seattle, Washington. Although young, he has traveled to 38 countries—his favorites of which include Japan, Iceland, and Vietnam. Outside of DFC, Nathan loves pickleball, trivia, watching sports, and hitting the weights.


Emmerson Maltz

Office Pup

As a Seattle native, Emmerson loves spending his time chasing balls (and cats) and going on hikes. He’s traveled to Canada for ski trips, California for surf trips, Eastern Washington for rafting…the list goes on!


Winnie Neugarten

head Of Keyboard Testing

Winnie enjoys her time laying on the office keyboards while her dad Jesse is working hard on Dollar Flight Club. Despite holding off on traveling up to this point in her life, she enjoys the idea of one day venturing outside beyond the sliding glass door to try living an indoor/outdoor kitty life.

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