5 Last-Minute Carry-On Items You Can’t Forget

last minute carry ons

There’s nothing worse than leaving for a big trip only to realize a few minutes later that you forgot to bring some crucial belongings with you.

At best, you get a little annoyed and try not it let it ruin your day. At worst, leaving something behind can worsen your mood and take you out of that vacation mindset.

We’ve partnered with our friends at Skinny Dipped Almonds to give you an idea of five last-minute carry-on items you need to make sure you bring with you on your next jaunt.


1. Skinny Dipped Almonds

Traveling is a lot less fun on an empty stomach—which is why we always try to pack at least a few tasty treats in our bags before we hop on a plane.

Skinny Dipped Almonds are one of our favorite last-minute items to bring along to any destination. These fiber and protein-packed almond treats make for the perfect snack and come in a variety of delicious flavors. So regardless of which flavors tickle your fancy, you shouldn’t have a problem finding one you like.

You can buy Skinny Dipped Almonds online. They’re also at most major brick-and-mortar grocers and retail stores, like Whole Foods, CVS, and Kroger. If you’re trying to be more specific, check out this store locator to find the place nearest you. 

If you forget to bring your favorite pack to the airport, don’t sweat it. You can buy Skinny Dipped products at most airport markets and newsstands. So, if you leave your favorite snack at home, they’ll save you in a pinch. 

Bring Skinny Dipped Almonds along with you on your next flight, and you won’t miss the free airplane nuts of years’ past.


2. Portable USB Phone Charger

These days, it’s unthinkable to travel without your smartphone. But if you forget to charge your phone the night before your flight, you might have to deal with living phoneless for at least a few hours. 

When your phone is dead, you can’t contact your friends, family, or colleagues when you get to your destination. You also won’t be able to order an Uber or search for the best public transit route to your destination. Just as importantly, you won’t be able to kill time searching the web or browsing your favorite social networks.

You can immediately solve this problem by bringing a portable USB phone charger or external battery on your next trip. If you forget to bring one or don’t have one, you might also be able to find one in an airport shop. You might have to pay a little more, but it’ll be totally worth it once you see that charging icon next to your 27% battery power.


3. Bottled Water 

You probably know that airplane travel makes you dehydrated. Of course, drinking lots of water is the best way to solve this problem.

If you forgot to bring your favorite reusable water bottle at home or in the taxi, pick up one small bottle of water at the nearest airport newsstand (after clearing airport security, of course).

Once you finish the water, keep the bottle and simply refill it at the next drinking fountain you see. This way, you’ll save money and will have a full bottle with you on your flight. See? Staying hydrated while traveling doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.


4. Travel-sized Hand Sanitizer

Germs are literally everywhere at the airport and on the airplane. In fact, the tray table in front of you has been determined to be even dirtier than the toilet flush handle in the bathroom. Yikes!

Of course, you want to keep your hands clean while you travel. An easy way to do that is by stocking a travel-sized hand sanitizer container in your bag. 

If you forget to bring one with you, grab one from the airport newsstand. It won’t cost more than a few dollars. You’ll have optimal hand hygiene no matter how many tray tables you encounter. 

Plus, your hands will be sparkling clean when you go to town on those delicious Skinny Dipped Almonds we told you about earlier.


5. Spare Headphones

Whether you’re waiting to get through a massive security line or you’re just relaxing mid-flight, sometimes you simply want to zone out and listen to music. When you’re in this kind of mood, what’s worse than realizing you forgot your headphones at home?

In the age of smartphones and mobile devices, it’s probably not that surprising that spare headphones are easy to find at airport newsstands and automated kiosks. You can even splurge on some high-end noise-canceling options if you’re feeling a little fancy. 

Wouldn’t you rather listen to your favorite tunes or an engaging podcast instead of the chatterbox in the row behind you for the next several hours?

Whether you’re flying across the state, across the country, or across the globe, traveling in comfort should always be a top priority.

As you prepare for your next trip, put together a little list to make sure you bring everything along with you that you need for an enjoyable flight. It might take a little bit more time. But, by doing so, you’ll kick off your vacation the right way and put yourself in a positive frame of mind to enjoy the rest of your trip.

Happy travels!


  • Kyle Maltz, COO & Partner

    Kyle’s an adventure loving Seattleite who’s busy skiing or traveling the world when he’s not helping DFC move mountains. His favorite trips have been to Thailand, Turks and Caicos, and Costa Rica. Kyle stays busy connecting us with some of the best brands in the world and working on new ways for DFC to be the best in the business for helping travelers explore more and pay less. Kyle oversees daily operations and growth strategy for Dollar Flight Club, including the Flight Alerts product as well as the media publishing side of the business.

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